Virtual Mail Hosting on Centos7
Postfix MariaDB Dovecot PostfixAdmin Amavisd-new Spamassassin and Clamav
Virtual Mail hosting provides the option of offering mail services
to multiple domains on one server.
You will get the following features:
Postfix: the workhorse behind the mail receiving and sending
smtp authentication
secure smtp using TLS
Dovecot: imap and pop3 mailbox service
secure imap and pop3
server side filtering of flagged spam to a spam folder
mysql: handle all the virtual domains and users
PostfixAdmin: GUI for domain administration
roundcube: web mail access
spam/virus filtering using amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav
This guide was developed from lessons I learned from Campworld
Centos6 Virtual Mail Hosting. Plus lots of discussions
and near flame wars on lists for many of the packages used here.
A copy of textareas was recently added. The default behavior
is to only select the contents of the area on click and the copy to
clipboard is a manual step. This is for saftey measures in
protecting the content of the clipboard. Below are buttons to
allow changing this behavior to copy the area to the clipboard on
Further, this guide strives to only modify package config files,
rather than replacing them. This is a nod to those
package authors on knowing what works best in their packages and
easier adoption of new features.
You have a choice of SHA256 or SHA512 for password hashing rather
than the default of old MD5. ARGON2 is the, new, recommended
password hash algorithm, but not supported until Dovecot 2.3.
NOTE: The services set up here should be run on a system
with at least 1GB of memory with 2GB really being the lower
limit. Additionally, though it will run on a duo-core ARMv7
system, a quad core would be better with AMAVIS restricted to 2
core. AMAVIS and CLAMAV can really tie up the system.
FURTHER NOTE: SELinux policies are enforced! In some
cases this took working with the SELinux experts to develop polices
(e.g. Dovecot to Mysql). No laid back additude of just
running in SELinux permissive mode.
Let's assume that the current version you downloaded is:
3.2. Place it in /usr/share.
Configuring the Mail packages
Throughout this guide, there are values unique to an installation
that have to be provided. For the most part, these can be
handled by first setting some environment variables that will be
used in cat and sed commands. Or you can manually alter the
variables. Special characters (\, $, and / tested)
MUST be proceeded by a \. Spaces should work with
quotes around value entered (but not really tested).
for valid timezones (use the same timezone name you used for
timedatectl). Set the variables by altering these commands.
Long passphrases may be more secure for the passwords, and not
cause problems with the commands, than the use of special
characters or spaces.
Three TLS certificates are created in this guide. All should
have the following values, but any MAY be left blank. If any
include a space, inclose that value in quotes. Special
characters can be included, preceeded by \.
Now there is a lot to configure from all these packages and perhaps
you are testing from a temporary IP address that is not in
DNS. For this you need to add to your /etc/hosts file:
Next we have a lot of firewall rules to add:
Port 587 is used by client smtp to send mail to your
mailserver. Port 143 is used by IMAP. Port 110 is for
POP3. Port 4190 is used by manageseive. Amavis uses
ports 10024 & 10025 but only to localhost so no firewall rule is
needed there.
Now edit /etc/php.ini
Now create the mail store directory. Put it in the /home
directory to make backups and other item easy.
Setting up MariaDB
Next start MariaDB and secure it. You can manually run
mysql_secure_installation, or use the following to auto answer the
Now setup the mysql database for postfixadmin. The following
creates the database and user. The setup URL will create the rest.
Next is the Roundcube database.
Then the tables.
Setting up Apache
This guide uses virtual hosting for the webmail service
(Roundcubemail). Virtual hosting requires a DNS entry for
webmail.your domain as well as your host. Once
virtual hosting is configured, the first virtual host is the
default host. Additionally, once a virtual host is set to use
TLS, this also becomes the default behavior.
This conf file will load first and force a polite behavior.
The default server access can be restricted with:
Next is postfixadmin's Apache conf file.
Postfixadmin is a Security Risk; Postfixadmin access can be
restricted to your IP addresses. Finer control can be added
into a /usr/share/postfixadmin/.htaccess file.
Postfixadmin access is via
'http://your_host_tld/mailadmin'. You don't want the
whole world accessing this link.
Roundcubemail httpd configuration is next. This guide uses
virtual hosting. The conf can be edited to use
Further, this guide forces users to https. This is enhanced
over the default roundcubemail.conf. Also it secures the
cookie used by Roundcubemail. This is an important security
deficiency in the default configuration.
Last step for setting up Apache is creating the SSL
certificates. Three certificates are needed. One for
webmail.$your_domain_tld, another for $your_host_tld, and the third
for localhost. Follow how you setup the roundcubemail.conf
and how your users will access your server. The following
commands will create the RSA 2048/SHA256 certificates with a 10
years life.
These are self-signed certificates. You can purchase your
certificates from a recognized CA. You can find instructions
on how to create your own CA and issue these certificates from
it. Future work will add a section on using Let's Encrypt
You can review the certificate content with:
If you get any of the certificates 'wrong' httpd will not start,
and trouble-shooting can be a challenge. Check out
/etc/httpd/logs/ssl_error_log for messages hinting at what is wrong
with your certificates.
It is now time to enable and start Apache.
Configuring Postfix
Now on to configure the actual packages starting with Postfix.
Postfix is a real task to configure. It will be easier in
versions of Postfix beyond 2.10 that is supplied in Centos 7.
The following modifies the existing config files, rather than
replacing them.
This is a 'best effort' from reviewing a number of sources.
The place to start is with Note that
message_size_limit limits a message to ~20Meg. Change this as
needed. is next. I have worked out how to just append
needed changes to the end.
And if you have to support Outlook TLS connections, then
The last step for postfix is the Vacation Email Functionality
And finally create /etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf
Finally restart postfix
Configuring Dovecot
Dovecot is next. There are a number of Dovecot conf files to
edit. Instead, this guide uses the local.conf file which is
loaded after the default conf files. By using the default
files and local.conf, these modifications should work in
future versions of Dovecot. The files altered by the
local.conf are:
Note that the user_query limits an imap mailbox to 30,000
messages. Change this as needed.
Now create the sieve filter for SPAM filtering
SELinux needs a policy to allow Dovecot to access the mysql unix
socket. As of Feb 5, 2019, this policy has been rolled into
Fedora 28 and up, and in time will be included in CentOS.
It is now time to enable and start Dovecot.
Configuring Amavis and Clamav
These two packages work together, along with Spamassassin, to
provide anti-spam and anti-virus protection. Their
configuration is simple.
Postfixadmin is the email domain and email account management tool.
Create a base /usr/share/postfixadmin/config.local.php
SELinux seems to be a problem for Postfixadmin (and Roundcubemail
which needs the setsebool).
Now go to host/mailadmin/setup.php
Setup should proceed to create/update its database structures.
Next is creating the Setup Password by clicking by entering
password and clicking on generate hash. Then edit
/usr/share/postfixadmin/config.local.php with the provided hash.
Use this password to add your postfixadmin admin account. Use
this account to log into host/mailadmin. Create a mail
domain; set up a DNS MX entry for it and create a user.
Postfixadmin should set up all the files for the user and send it a
welcome message that will be the basis for testing the components.
Configuring Roundcubemail
Roundcubemail configuring is easier now with the installer, but
there are a few permission items to take care of first.
Roundcubemail is written in php and a couple php defaults may not
be right for Roundcubemail, particularly the file upload size and
message size maximums. The following will comment out the
defaults and add new maximums. Change them as you need.
Depending on how you setup roundcubemail.conf for httpd
The installer does most of the work. Things to do in the
install include:
In the General configuration, select Enchant spellcheck_engine.
In the Database section set your Roundcubemail MySQL password.
In the IMAP section, change the junk_mbox to Spam.
In the SMTP section,
set smtp_server to fqdn
Check "Use the current IMAP username and password for SMTP authentication"
In the Plugins section,
Check managesieve
Check password
Click the UPDATE CONFIG button, start a
cat > /etc/roundcubemail/
copy the content of the text box into the prompt and end with a Cntl-D.
Do not add a closing ?> tag.
Follow the instructions to test Roundcubemail.
If in your system 0 quota means no limit
To allow browser-autocompletion of username and host on login form.
To directly delete messages in Junk instead of moving to Trash.
This quide uses 'Spam' for the 'Junk' folder. To force
Roundcubemail to display 'Spam', rather than 'Junk' as default.
Apache is configured to redirect to secure connections.
Roundcubemail can check and redirect if the Apache configuration is wrong with:
Now we set up the manage sieve plugin.
For the password plugin:
Restart Apache.
Testing the Configuration
This completes configuring the software. Next are some tests
to confirm things are working.
Use Postfixadmin to create a virtual domain and a user or
so. Use Roundcubemail to log into a user account and
check receipt of the Postfixadmin welcome message.
Roundcubemail use did a basic test of dovecot imap
access. For a fuller test, use all of the
following connection methods (via fqdn from a remote system).