The Early Days
Robert is an old-time computer person, going back to Teletypes (55
baud) and timeshare (GE 235) in High School
in 1966. Euclid High School started their computer math classes
that year with 13 seniors and 1 junior, Robert.
BASIC was in its second year.
Robert attended Michigan State University
from 1968 through 1973.
In 1972 he received two Bachleor of Science, Computer Science and
Botany (Successional Ecology). MSU had to change the rules to
allow issuing two degrees at the same time. Thus he was the first
student have to be in two places at one time during
commencements. Of course he was not successful at this feat.
He is batting 500, using that C.S. degree.
2015 - Present HTT Consulting, LLC.
The end of 2014 saw a major Reduction In Force (RIF) at Verizon
Enterprise Services. So with the start of 2015, Robert started a
Security Consultancy, specializing in secure communications and
Robert is funded by Huawei Communications to work in the IETF to
develop standards in the DOTS, I2NSF, SACM, and MILE to support large
scale Internet security issues. This includes work in other areas
that touch on secure communications and system protection.
Separate funding by Huawei Communications to develop a HIP-based
mobility proposal for 5G. This involves enhancements to HIP and
participating in 3GPP.
Funding by an automotive OEM to recommend best practices to secure the new
in-vehicle Ethernet standards (IEEE 802.3bw and 802.1CB).
Develop a secure communications solution for an EU IoT vendor for a
8-bit, 32K iot sensor product line. The solution is built off of
the HIP-DEX concept.
2010 - 2014 -- Verizon Enerprise Services / Innovation Labs
VES formed an Innovations lab to incubate new ideas and
technologies. Robert's role was to develop secure communications
and identity standards to support the group. Also to provide
security review within the group and for other units in VES.
Other activities included supporting VES in security for NFV (Network
Function Visualization) development, Vehicular Cybersecurity workshops
for key automotive OEMs, and support for a PKI RFI for V2V (IEEE 1609.2).
1998 - 2010 -- ICSAlabs/TruSecure/Cybertrust/Verizon
Starting in 1998 at ICSA Inc. with writing certification specifications
for IPsec, Robert's work in secure communications evolved as ICSA Inc.
evolved. The testing labs, always (and still does) perform
security product certification. The company grew through
TruSecure to Cybertrust (and the Cybertrust division of Verizon) where
he continued to research and develop secure communication standards.
1992 - 2006 -- Network Computing Magazine
Contributing Editor
Regular contributor to Network Computing Magazine. Columns included
"Corporate View" and "Security Watch".
1987 - 1997 -- Chrysler Motors Corporation
In IT technical support at Chrysler from 1987 though 1997 for a total
of 19 years in Automotive. Was one of the primary movers in the
expansion of LANs at Chrysler and the key corporate person in the move
to TCP/IP in 1992. Orchestrated the first real performance test
of MVS/TCP in the fall of 1993.
Chrysler representative to the ANX team at the AIAG where he was one of the two principle
designers of the ANX.
1978 - 1987 -- American Motors Corporation
Data base supervisor from 1980 through 1983 doing CODASYL database
development and online transaction processing. In 1985, oversaw
the installation of DB2, AMC being a gamma site. Was involved in
Engineering support from FEA for the first Jeep Wrangler, selection of
CATIA for CAD, cracking of GDDM graphics to allow inexpensive 3rd party
devices to display IBM Mainframe graphics. Was also instrumental
in bringing WANG word processing into AMC in 1983 and its later
replacement by secretarial PCs in 1986.
1974 - 1978 -- State Of Michigan, Department of Commerce
System Analyst
Significant accomplishments there included developing the Energy
Distribution model in LP (Linear Programming) during the Oil Embargo,
and a number of economic models exposing unfair trade practices in
1993 - Present -- The IETF
Began his involvement in the IETF
in the spring of 1993, chairing the then new TN3270 Enhancements
workgroup (RFCs 1576 , 1646, and 1647). Was
the originator of the private address scheme and co-author of RFC 1918. In
1995 was appointed to the IAB where he
served two 2 year terms. Also co-chaired the Calendaring and
Scheduling and the IPsec workgroups in the IETF.
Work in the Namespace Research Group in the IRTF.
As co-chair of the IPsec workgroup, sheppard the completion of the main
group of RFCs in 1998: 2401 - 2412.
Recognized for successfully herding the 300+ cats in the workgroup.
Invented the HIP
protocol, RFCs 7401, 7402. HIP
defined the first cryptographically generated IP address (CGA) and
self-provable Identities.
Currently working on Internet Security defense in the DOTS, I2NSF, SACM, and MILE
2001 - Present -- The IEEE
Began his involvement in the IEEE in
the spring of 2001, contributing in IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) on the 802.11i
security addendum (WPA). He continued to contribute to other
efforts in 802.11 including 802.11r and 802.11s before shifting to work
in 802.1 and then 802.15.
He was working in 802.1 on 802.1X-rev for supporting 802.11i when, in
2003, securing 802.3 for 802.3ah (EPON) lead to the 802.1AE (MACsec)
effort. MACsec and 802.1X drove the need for 802.1AR (Secure
Device Identity) which is an X.509 certificate profile and layered PKI
approach to Identities.
While working on addendum to 802.1X to support 802.1AE key management
(until this point 802.1X was only authentication transport), he learned
that IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee) lacked the MAC service layer to support any
key management technology. He proposed a method to provide key
management transport and chaired the IEEE 802.15.9 Key Mananagement
Transport Recommended Practice that has been adopted by WiSUN.
1993 - 1997 -- The AIAG
In 1993, joined the AIAG (Automotive
Industry Action Group) telecommunication team, representing Chrysler's
interests. The team developed a TCP/IP white paper in 1994, and
the ANX model in 1995. was one of the principle architects of the
ANX and the architect of its IPsec and PKI based security model.
Shepherded the development of IPsec products by organizing and running
a series of 6 workshops for IPsec vendors and technologists.
Since then, the vendors are self-maintaining the workshops for testing
new features.
Other Standards Participation
He has also participated in NFV
(Network Function Virtualization) and recently in 3GPP (Cellular standards).
You can EMail Robert at his desk...